10 ways to keep your heart healthy

1. Eat a healthy diet Healthy eating protect your heart and body. 

2. Stay Active Add some exercise, jogging, walking, cycling, swimming, cardio or aerobics in your routine. 

3. Control on your food portion size Big plate or Big bowl of foods gives you more calories. so always eat in small plate and small bowl.

4. Eat More vegetable & fruits fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber. so, Vegetables and fruits keeps your heart healthy and active. 

5. Stop Smoking and alcohol Smoking and alcohol damage your lungs and heart. It is very dangerous for human health. 

6.  Manage Stress  Stress is biggest enemy of human being. If any one take stress their whole body system and hormones will disturb. 

7. Eat Low fat Protein food  Low fat dairy products, lean meat, poultry and fish are main source of protein. But choose lower fat options. 

8. Reduce Sugar In your diet Sugar gives you more calories and excessive amount of sugar intake is very dangerous for human. so much sugar cause diabetes and heart stroke. 

9. Reduce Salt Intake Eating too much salt in your diet cause high blood pressure and it cause heart diseases. limited sodium intake is healthy part of healthy diet. 

10. Manage Healthy weight  Healthy weight is good sign for healthy body. Overweight can cause many diseases in body and disturb our body function and damage organs.